Meet Mr. Excuse Master who has excuses for everything all the time

By K.R. Nayar Some people are known for giving excuses all the time. For some, it is a habit that is hard to overcome. They go to any extent to create excuses and save their skin....but after a point, people will start to lose trust in that person. A close examination of such people reveals that in most cases such people have rarely gone on to be successful in their lives. There have been quite a few people that I have met who cannot help giving excuses. They come with wild explanations for not making it to a meeting or not doing what was expected of them. In fact, they sound so sincere that one could actually fall for their reasons and believe in them. And then they come up with some more reasons the next day to justify their inaction the earlier day. In due course of time, he starts believing that others have come to the conclusion that his promises are not to be taken seriously. During my growing up days, I knew someone who belonged to this cat...