It’s all in the mind: Success depends on Just Doing It!

By K.R. Nayar

If our mind is always tuned to positive thinking and success, we can surely achieve what we aim for in life.  It is important to have control over our minds and streamline it to focus on our goals. Only a strong mind can break all barriers.

It’s all in the mind. Whether we want to do something or nothing at all, it all depends on our minds.

It’s our mind that can stop us from doing something that we want to do and also tempt us to do what we should not be doing. We've often heard people say - if you don’t control your mind then your mind will control you.

To gain control over our mind is no easy feat.  I have heard many thinkers remark that our mind is like a monkey that jumps from one thought to another just like how monkeys jump from one branch/tree to another.  When we have no control over our minds, we are barely aware of how we've jumped from one thought to another. It is the mind that moves us away from our goal. It is then we hear people, after failing to achieve something, say:  “I had this plan in the back of my mind but I did not work on it.” So, again, it is the mind that takes our focus away.

Our mind invariably guides us to do what we love to do. What you are reading now is because of my mind channelizing my thoughts to write this blog. At school, I had a teacher who taught us General Science but also loved to direct plays. He gave me an invaluable lesson while acting to tell my mind that I am the character that I am presenting. That advice helped me win many laurels in acting.

As a sportsman or sportswoman, we need to visualize being the best and being applauded on being successful. People became legends because they trained their minds to focus on training and the skills they needed to master. They worked on their skills while keeping their focus on their goals. This applies to academics too. 

So, be it in sports or academics, there are chances that our mind turns negative. Often, talented people who should have been successful have failed due to their mind telling them that their efforts are not worth it or telling them that his or her dream is impossible to achieve. During such times, we must put a red light to those negative thoughts germinating from our minds and let positive thoughts enter our mind visualizing the green light. And once we do that, just like cars pass one after the other when the light becomes green, so too will positive ways to achieve success flow into us one after the other.

Have we ever given a thought to the fact that our life itself is shaped by our mind? One of India’s spiritual leaders Osho Rajnesh once described the human mind as a beautiful servant but a very dangerous master. Hence, if one can master our mind and streamline our thoughts, then we are bound to be achievers.

So let us always try and plant positive thoughts in our subconscious mind. Let's try and read articles and books that boost our positive thoughts. Dale Carnegie, who has written numerous books on self-improvement, once said: “Our thoughts make us what we are.” Try and make positive thinking a habit, and mind you, we only stand to gain!


  1. Mind IT, well articulated KR. Its also said mind over matter. The analogy of mind with jumping monkey is funny. Keep going

  2. Agree with you... a positive mind is absolutely essential.


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