A domestic cricket club in the UAE creates history by winning 100 trophies

 By K.R. Nayar

Ausaf XI team emerged champions in 77 tournaments and finished runners-up in 23 events. The team skipper Parvez Ahmed’s villa in Palm Jumeirah is filled with these trophies which his team has won from 2003 onwards and they glitter as a symbol of teamwork and devotion to the game

Ausaf XI after winning their 100th trophy 

Ausaf XI, a domestic cricket team in the UAE, has set a new mark in UAE’s domestic tournaments by lifting 100 trophies after excelling in various tournaments. This club emerged champions in 77 tournaments and finished runners-up in 23 events starting from 2003.

Ausaf XI skipper Parvez Ahmed’s villa in Palm Jumeirah is filled with trophies and can be mistaken for an outlet selling trophies. All trophies have been won through well-fought matches over the years. This team won their first trophy in 2003 and Parvez has diligently kept a tally of his team’s victories and displayed all the trophies in his villa. He also has pictures of him receiving these trophies over the years.

Ausaf XI skipper Parvez Ahmed lifts a trophy for the 100th time  

Their 100th win came when Ausaf XI defeated Team Sixers in the final of the NF Stars Saturday tournament at the NSB ground in Ajman last Saturday (April 3). After restricting Team Sixers to 137 in 25.2 overs, Ausaf raced to the target in 12.2 overs losing just two wickets.

Skipper Parvez Ahmed receives his team's first trophy in 2003 

Parvez, who formed this team under the name of Al Masa Cricket Club, won their first trophy in 2003 when they lifted the Pehla Gold Cup in Dubai. He had named his team Al Maza as he was then working as the Sales Director of Al Masa IT Distribution.
Parvez is today the most successful captain in the UAE. He arrived in Dubai from Lucknow, India, after playing university-level cricket as well as the famous Cooch Behar Trophy.

The tally of trophies won every year 

Parvez's first trophy was the beginning of a long journey of triumphs. This team played in Ajman, Umm Al Quwain, Sharjah, Al Dhaid, Al Ain, and Abu Dhabi, and came out with flying colours. “We have done this journey with approximately 20 players for nearly 20 years. I have been captain all through this exciting journey,” remarked Parvez to krbuzz.blogspot.com soon after he celebrated the landmark of 100 trophy victories.

Skipper Parvez Ahmed has pictures of him receiving each of the 100 trophies 

When Parvez started his own company called Infinity Data, he called his team too by the same name. Later they were given different names but the players remained the same. “We played in the name of Infinity for one year and even won the Ramadan tournament at Sharjah Hamriya ground. Then we played under different names such as Global Distribution, Active Distribution, and now we play under the name of Ausaf XI. This club is named after my father Ausaf Ahmad who was a keen cricket lover but passed away in October 2016. He was present when we won the Alliance T20 Cricket League in July 2016,” said Parvez who is an all-rounder and opens the innings for his club and now bowls off-spin and has produced many five-wicket spells.

Parvez Ahmed's father Ausaf Ahmed (right) shares the joy of a win three months before he passed away

Amidst his trophy collection, Parvez has preserved all balls that earned him his five wicket hauls, and all of them have the spells marked on them. Also included in this collection are his 67 man-of-the-match trophies.

After his team started winning regularly, he decided to keep a log. Among the many tournaments that his club has won are the ones organised by Dulsco (thrice), Ocean Fair, Pakistan and India Independence Cup, Sealine Cricket Cup, Ajman Council’s Arabian Cup, US Robotics Cup, Lions Cup Al Etihad Cup in Dubai Zabeel Park, and Sharjah Cricket Council’s Motorola Corporate T20 Cup.

Trophies displayed at Parvez Ahmed's villa 

The string of victories also fetched him some good players who joined the team. That included UAE national team players like Muhammad Boota, Ashfaq Ahmed, Waheed Ahmed, and Zawar Farid.

It was nothing but the sheer love for the game and dedication that helped his team win all these trophies. Most of them never missed playing on a holiday or during weekends or any of the tournaments. Whenever a holiday was announced in advance, his players would expect a call from Parvez asking them to get ready with their kits.  To make it comfortable for the players, Parvez always hired a bus to take them to the different venues in the UAE.

All of them were so used to playing during weekends and holidays that they would continue to play even during summer. “We never took a break during summer. During the early days, before the advent of T20 cricket, all tournaments used to be 25 over events; but today most of them are T20 events,” recalls Parvez who believes that playing cricket is a remedy for stress and urges everyone to keep playing.

Ausaf XI players wore this T-shirt while receiving their 100th trophy  

What rejuvenates Parvez is not the joy of winning trophies but being part of a game he loves the most. When asked about the secret behind his team’s performance that fetched them 100 trophies, Parvez said, “There are many aspects that make a team a winning unit, especially over a long period of time. One main factor is the consistency of the playing members. Nearly 20 of our players have played over these 20 years, and every player is aware of his role in the team.  As the team's captain, I know the skills of every player, and so we play almost on an autopilot mode. Everyone in my team is well aware that cricket is a team game and we have always played for the team in every match.”

Parvez's next target is 100 winners trophies since his team is 23 short of that target.
Parvez believes that with passion and dedication it is possible to achieve anything in cricket. The 100 trophies that glitter in his villa is an embodiment of that perserverance and an inspiration for all domestic teams.



  1. Thts great Ausaf Cc are a very gudd strong unbeatable side. AUSAF CC have really wonderfull players.
    But better if they play in there same grade players team. Playing in C div tournaments with A Div players is not at all wise & organiser should think about it.

    Anyways Congratulations Ausaff Cc.

  2. Endurance Race won by Parvez bhai... lifting 100 Trophies.. we are proud of you being associated with ROVERS .. keep rocking .. All the Best ..

  3. Proud of your achievements, Parvez! Really commendable! Keep going!

  4. Congratulations Parvez Bhai. Surely Glory has been paved through Dedication and Perceivenes .

  5. I have no clue of cricket but have the priviledge knowing Parvez since 2002. He has besides many things, one natural talent that most stands out, driving to success. Congratulations...

  6. <a href='https://https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3NW6UsRTXg> Bangla Short Film</a>

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. It is A Remarkable journey from Lucknow to Dubai😊👍

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