Let us all try and be tough during these tough times

By K.R. Nayar

It’s a tough time for everyone especially those in India where the second wave of Covid-19 has hit the entire country. This is the time to be mentally strong and handle situations bravely. How can one try to be strong and surmount this situation?

While it has been a tough time for the whole world since 2020, India has been going through a tougher time this year. A message from a friend said that he never ever thought that in his life-time he would ever witness such suffering. Almost every family has been hit by Covid-19, many losing their loved ones.

It is during such times that we all need to be tougher.  The stronger we are mentally, the better we will be able to withstand the impact of this virus. I now often recall the saying, cliched as it may sound, 'when the going gets tough, the tough get going.' While it is very easy to forward this on our Whats App groups, especially to our friends who have tested positive, how can one really be tough and strongly counter such a situation?

I enjoy reading articles that talk about gaining mental strength, and many times I make a note of some sentences from them. I have a small slate on my work table where I put down any interesting thoughts every day. Right now it reads “control your mind and do not let the mind control you.”

Everyone wants to be tough mentally but we rarely bother to analyse it and put in the efforts to achieve it. So what happens then is that we remain weak, and when we encounter tough situations we crash. Hence, the first question we need to ask ourselves when we really encounter a tough situation is whether we believe there is a way out of it. This is to merely remind ourselves to use our intelligence.

All of us go through various experiences in our lives and it would be great if we can use those experiences as a lesson in our life’s journey. Some experiences harden us. That is why we must respect our elders, especially those who remain enthusiastic. They have carried the spirit of youth into their old age too. All they did was alter their mind's attitude by learning from their experience.

It is said that hard times build our character. Hard times also make us value all the good times that we've had in the past. Sometimes tough situations could bring about a good change to our lives.  By taking on the challenge of tough times, we mature as a person too.

It would be very inspiring, especially when going through tough times, to prove to ourselves that we are really strong.  Even if there is no one to watch it or appreciate it, let us do it to improve our self-worth. No one likes to be a weak minded person. Sometimes we shock ourselves when we realise that we are braver than we consider ourselves to be when faced with situations.

Many cricket captains whom I have spoken to often remark before a match that they will try and give their best on things that are within their control and not worry about things that are not within their control. This is true in life too. There is just no point worrying about things that may not be in our control. Let us shake off the negative feelings, be courageous, and tackle tough situations.

Whom should we consider as a real champion?  He is someone who has refused to surrender to the pressures and stresses of life and marched forward. We need to always aim to take a step forward and surmount the situation. No one will want to stand with his/her head bowed saying 'I have failed.'

If we decide to be resilient, we could go on to possesses a strong personality. The great statesman Winston Churchill once remarked: “Fear is a reaction. Courage is a decision.” Stress and fear will take us nowhere but only keeps us in the same situation for long.  So let us all promise ourselves to be braver than in the past and emerge stronger during these tough times.



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