Why is the Expo 2020 theme 'Connecting Minds, Creating the Future’ special and inspiring?

 By K.R. Nayar

The Expo 2020 theme 'Connecting Minds, Creating the Future' conveys a special message.  It is very important for minds to get connected and work together towards a better future for all. A look into factors behind many successful enterprises, missions, sports teams, and even countries, will reveal that this philosophy has played a big role in their success.

On average, almost every day, I meet someone with whom I have never interacted before. That is the interesting part of being a reporter. When one goes in search of stories, one comes across different kinds of people from all walks of life. I have been fortunate to meet some amazing people and the kind of things they do to boost their passion has always surprised me. Then there are few who instantly strike a connection and the bonding gets stronger through regular interactions over the years. 

The most interesting people are those who work towards creating a better future for others. As someone who covers sports, I have come across many coaches who work constantly towards grooming youngsters and shaping them into future stars. That's why I always regard all coaches in the various cricket academies in the UAE in high esteem. Outside the sports arena too I have met many who work on other causes, ultimately hoping to create a better future. This ranges from those who work on sustainability, social welfare, as well as strengthening people mentally and physically, and rarely expecting anything in return.

Very often I have written about businessmen who contribute a lot as part of their company’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives. While their main focus would be to generate profits, they also have people in mind and often support initiatives that help flood-hit or earth quake affected countries. Connecting with people having such minds is a special feeling.

I always believe that whatever or wherever we are is because we had connected with someone who admired our interests, our qualifications, or our abilities. Many claim that he or she found his way and got a job. While that may be true to a certain extent, it would be good to remember that if that person did not connect with the mind of another person, especially the person who hired him, he would not have got the job.  Success in a job also depends on how he connects his mind with others, be his subordinates or his seniors. Someone who is not able to connect with his peers or colleagues rarely becomes successful because he was unable to connect with his team that was working towards creating a better future for the company.

In sports, a team that emerges as the champion is always the team where the minds of its team members are connected to each other very strongly, and all of them cohesively work towards the team's success. I can recall numerous instances where the team had immense talent but had players whose minds were not connected. The net result was 'divided they stood and united they fell' to less talented teams.

We've also read and heard of small companies rising to great heights.  People express surprise over how they did it.  The simple answer is that all their employees' minds were connected in creating a successful future for their company.

Amazing things can happen when we put our minds to any task we take on. And if our mind is also connected to people who also believe in putting their minds fully into their tasks, then miracles can happen. Today connecting of minds has become easier than ever before. The tools to connect are many and distance is never an obstacle to get connected.

It is when the minds of a few talented individuals get connected to each other that some of the most beautiful songs and movies have been created. In this fast-paced modern world, many forget to admire the beauty around us. As parents, one should connect their children’s minds with nature and encourage them to appreciate its beauty. Only then will the younger generation feel the urge to preserve nature. If a child does not connect his or her mind with academics or his goal in life, it is unlikely that he/she will be able to create a good future for themselves.

Expo 2020's theme resonates perfectly with the numerous opportunities to be created by the event to connect with minds from around the world with the hope of creating a better future for humankind.


  1. Beautiful commentary connecting different things from a day in the life of a correspondent to how coaches, CEOs and others in leadership positions connect the dots and create a future for the whole team.

  2. Well expressed, the truth, in simple word's.


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