Is April Fool’s Day a fool’s day?

By K.R. Nayar April 1st is considered as April Fool’s Day, a day of pranks followed by laughter; in short, a day unlike any other, where many funny things happen. Many prepare for some fun the day before to make it special. A lot of importance used to be given to this day while at school, and if one did not create at least a small incident to fool someone, then we would get the feeling that the day was not honoured. Of late, many don’t really care about this ritual. Last year, a friend messaged me "Happy April Fool’s Day," as one would wish "Happy Valentine's Day" or "Happy New Year." Involuntarily, I thanked him and wished him the same. After that, I began to wonder whether he wished me so because he knew that someone had made a fool of me, or was he wishing me because if anyone fools me, let it be a happy one? I have always wondered how businessmen accept cheques dated April 1. The guy who wrote the cheque could say that he did it just to fool...